Perpetual Adoration
Convert Records and Tapes to MP3 CDs

Resume, Favorite Links and Stuff


ENGINE PARADISE Parallel Client-Server Architecture

Fancy Rotating Art (Arlene's)

Fancy Rotating Art (Mary's)

Saving Grace Miracle prayer

Legion of Mary prayers

Spiritual Communion


How to FEEL GODs Presence

Truth about contraception

Blessing of the Home

Words of Consolation

Harmonica Sheet Music

Exam of Consciousness

Big Warning for Earth

Save an unborn child

Via Matris - Mater Dolorosa

Perpetual Adoration Chapel

Why Selling body parts from live abortion babies is evil

Legal Defense for David Daleiden, your help needed.

Welcome to Collier Solutions


Colitis recovery tips

St. Marys Hospital Perpetual (always open) Adoration Chapel in Decatur, Illinois USA

Save your people, Oh Lord. Show us the way to come home. We have been wandering far from your love.

Save your people oh Lord !


<-- Taken in March, 2016 in Medjugorje

Virgin Mother holds Child Jesus !


The story shows its possible to create your own local perpetual adoration chapel.

St. Mary's hospital in Decatur, Illinois USA shows this miracle can happen, and

once it does, the history begins, the power is in that we show our love for the Lord,

for all He has done for us, giving us life, and giving us eternal life.


Stop by, the Good Lord is waiting for our visits to Him, to witness His love and peace (and even miracles), and

offer our pains and troubles, and all our hopes and aspirations. Our Lady brings us to Jesus Christ, and

He gives us His Holy Spirit in the Most Humble Great Father of All.

Jesus, we surrender ourselves to You, please take care of everything, and

Come Holy Spirit. Come and let us do everything with love and peace, which comes to those you strengthen

Lord as they trust in You ! Come Lord Jesus, come let us rest in Your Holy Presence, Come Father of the helpless ones!

Strengthen us !