Love JESUS (here) !! Be Thankful. ** Wise men still find Him with His Mother. ** African Choir Adoration playlist
--- Rest in Peace, Mrs. Gayle Casey, 4/24/1940 to 1/31/2024 (my Mother) (Family requests no flowers, please offer Masses) --- Love converts hearts, and gives peace ! (Last words of JP2) GOOD WORD: We know God allows evil to draw a greater good. Updated Feb 8, 2025 Bl. Anthony of Stroncone Franciscan Calendar, St Josephine Bakhita Saint of the Day Calendar, Roman Liturgical Calendar Saint Jerome Emiliani Roman Liturgical Calendar Abbey of Our Lady of the Lily Marian Calendar ** URGENT: PRAY for PEACE (ask your Abba Father, click here) ** ** URGENT: its TIME to get God's help !! **
** Pray: for Victory of Immaculate Heart of Mary ! ** ** Good times make weak men. Weak men make hard times. **
UPDATES and NEWS (see more news further below)
NEW: Watch Feb 6 EWTN Prolife news click here ! (30 minutes)
March 18, 1996 After the apparition, Mirjana transmitted Our Lady's (Medjugorje) message: "Dear children! On this message, which I give you today through my servant, I desire for you to reflect a long time. My children, great is the love of God. Do not close your eyes, do not close your ears, while I repeat to you: Great is his love! Hear my call and my supplication, which I direct to you. Consecrate your heart and make in it the home of the Lord. May he dwell in it forever. My eyes and my heart will be here, even when I will no longer appear. Act in everything as I ask you and lead you to the Lord. Do not reject from yourself the name of God, that you may not be rejected. Accept my messages that you may be accepted. Decide, my children, it is the time of decision. Be of just and innocent heart that I may lead you to your Father, for this that I am here, is his great love. Thank you for being here!" from Oct 2, 2017 Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje: My children, do not waste time thinking about the future, worrying. May your only concern be how to live well every moment according to my Son. And there it is - peace for you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW: Watch Sermon on Miracles here, includes Mother's Angelica's miracle 1/28/1998
NEW: David DaLeiden all charges dropped, read here, persecuted for exposing illegal Body Parts sales.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WOW: Real Presence miracles. click here ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOT: Abortion pill reversal (APR), information is here. Its a right, too.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Mandolin music* Adore Jesus song is here ** Healing song is here * (Perpetual Adoration is here) Invoking the Sweet Name of Mary watch here.
“You are called to found ... perpetual adoration in your native town.” * * * Sunday morning Gospel music EDT 8am - 1pm, AZ 5am - 10am * * * ** Youth Festival Mladifest click here for largest playlist on Youtube Medjugorje ** HUGE: Free Downloads of many Rare Books, click here ! NOTE: All Medjugorje Messages in a searchable English PDF file here. ** Listen to Each Other ! ** SUPPORT OUR TROOPS ! ** ** PRAYER REALLY WORKS * ** MIR Medjugorje English YouTube Channel is here (fixed) ** ** Tom's Medjugorje daily videos click here ! testimonies click here ! ** Abortion Clinics closed in USA since 1991, low demand: 2,677 +6 International closed !!! Don's availability for work is: ---> Don is Retired, BUT available for harmonica gigs ! Free: pilgrimages for priests to Medjugorje, click here ! ** click here to DONATE for Mission of Mercy MOM medical vans support in 3 states:
to bring FREE medical-dental-pharmacy services to the needy. **
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trust in God, and He will give you inner peace: You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal. -Isaiah 26:3-4 ** Sermon on Trusting God is here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHY Change Now: God loves us in spite of everything. He wants to give you so much more. ... its time to be ready.
Love converts hearts and gives peace ! Give alms, and behold all is new ! - Jesus (bible)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Been Good ? REWARD: Revelations 3:10 NEW: “The most beautiful and stirring adventure that can happen to you is the personal meeting with Jesus who is the only one who gives real meaning to our lives.” –John Paul II
NEW: Mariological Society of America here.
NEW: Divinized Comedy here . HOT: Free Google Language Translator here ! (many languages including English to Croatian) NEW: March for Life videos playlist on Youtube ! IMPORTANT NEWS "He Loved us" is here ! Full text(all languages) is here ! With expectant Faith... SEEK event here ! Holy Spirit here church, zoom, phone ! Do you know who will take care of you ? God will !
Wow ! A great Sermon here. PRAY WITH LOVE for Haiti women's safety !
August 25, 1988 "Dear children! Today I invite you all to rejoice in the life which God gives you. Little children, rejoice in God, the Creator, because He has created you so wonderfully. Pray that your life be joyful thanksgiving which flows out of your heart like a river of joy. Little children, give thanks unceasingly for all that you possess, for each little gift which God has given you, so that a joyful blessing always comes down from God upon your life. Thank you for having responded to my call." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW: Our Lady's Annual Message through Jakov Colo on December 25, 2024: "Today, on this day of grace, in a special way I am calling you not to live a life striving for earthly goals and not to seek peace and joy in earthly things, because in this way darkness takes over your life and you do not see the meaning of your life. Little children, open the doors of your hearts to Jesus, permit Him to take over your entire life so that you may begin to live in God's love and mercy. My children, only with Jesus in your hearts will you come to know the true goal of your life and long for eternal salvation. I am blessing you with my motherly blessing." (With Ecclesiastical approval) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW: Lost a child, get help, click here !
NEW: Reasons why things are thus, click here ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW: Google Search biased to leftist results now, same as Hillary in 2016. Read here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW: The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis (FULL Audiobook) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW: Abortion clinic sues Abundant Hope Pregnancy Center (AHPC) for stealing customers ! see full report here.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW: Vatican approves Medjugorje with "Nihil Obstat", see news here.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Media will not tell us that: (pass along)
a. Women killed during barbaric abortion procedures, Report deaths and injuries click here or call 316-469-6561 Read reports here.
b. Live babies harvested for selling their body parts c. Taxpayer funds to Abortion providers kicked back to pro-abortion politicians d. Statutory rape covered up by abortion providers, helping abusers e. Abortion pills put women into horrible painful labor, sending them to hospital ERs
f. Filthy unregulated abortion surgery clinics causing harm to women g. Long term mental distress from loss of your baby h. Huge number of babies killed in IVF process, 93% discarded. More deaths here than abortions. i. Abortion pill reversal (APR), information is here.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW: August 25, 2024 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW: Click here for: The "no-arms" kid, Tony Melendez that played for Pope JP2 is in this video from the Eucharistic Congress Impact Session 7/19/2024 !! (32:00 minutes into the video)
HOLY SPIRIT: Youth Festival Mladifest 8/01/2024 - 8/06/2024 on-demand here and here !
MORE: National Eucharistic Congress on-demand videos !
Holiness is not for wimps ! - Mother Angelica What the world needs now is love, sweet love ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THINK: The way that leads to the triumph of my heart. June 2, 2019 "Dear children, only a pure and an open heart will make it such that you may truly come to know my Son and that all those who do not know His love may come to know it through you. Only love will make you comprehend that it is stronger than death because true love conquered death and made it so that death not exist. My children, forgiveness is the most exalted form of love. You, as apostles of my love, must pray that you be strong in spirit and that you could comprehend and forgive. You, apostles of my love, by understanding and forgiveness, are giving an example of love and mercy. To be able to comprehend and forgive is a gift for which it is necessary to pray, and to nurture it. By forgiveness you are showing that you know how to love. Just look, my children, how the Heavenly Father loves you with a great love, with understanding, forgiveness and justice - how He gives me, the Mother of your hearts, to you. And here I am among you to bless you with a motherly blessing, to call you to prayer, to fasting - to tell you to believe, to hope, to forgive, to pray for your shepherds, and above all to love without limits. My children, follow me. My way is the way of peace and love, the way of my Son. It is the way that leads to the triumph of my heart. Thank you."
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW: click here: Download Prayers against evil, say once per week or more, from Christian Auxiliary
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW: Sunday Church Bulletins are here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOOD WORD: We know God allows evil to draw a greater good. Pray: for patience and to see with eyes of faith, and to be a joyful witness.
Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Rightousness, and all the rest will be added unto you. Matthew 6:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It's a child, not a choice: "Please let me live, I have love to give." "Give us our humanity back."
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEED POWER for Love: Be divinized, Surrender to God's Divine Will, YES: Pray this prayer, the theology video click here explains: O! Power of My Omnipotent Will—if all knew You, loved You and let You reign, the earth would turn into Heaven.
Prayer of Consecration to the Holy Divine Will
O adorable and Divine Will, here I am, before the immensity of Your Light, that Your eternal Goodness may open to me the doors, and make me enter into It, to form my life all in You, Divine Will.
Therefore, prostrate before Your Light, I, the littlest among all creatures, come, O adorable Will, into the little group of the first children of Your Supreme Fiat. Prostrate in my nothingness, I beseech and implore Your endless Light, that It may want to invest me and eclipse everything that does not belong to You, in such a way that I may do nothing other than look, comprehend, and live in You, Divine Will.
It will be my life, the center of my intelligence, the enrapturer of my heart and of my whole being. In this heart the human will will no longer have life; I will banish it forever, and will form the new Eden of peace, of happiness, and of love. With It I shall always be happy; I shall have a unique strength, and a sanctity that sanctifies everything and brings everything to God.
Here prostrate, I invoke the help of the Sacrosanct Trinity, that They admit me to live in the cloister of the Divine Will, so as to restore in me the original order of Creation, just as the creature was created.
Celestial Mother, Sovereign Queen of the Divine Fiat, take me by the hand and enclose me in the Light of the Divine Will. You will be my guide, my tender Mother; You will guard your child, and will teach me to live and to maintain myself in the order and in the bounds of the Divine Will. Celestial Sovereign, to your Heart I entrust my whole being; I will be the tiny little child of the Divine Will. You will teach me the Divine Will, and I will be attentive in listening to You. You will lay your blue mantle over me, so that the infernal serpent may not dare to penetrate into this Sacred Eden to entice me and make me fall into the maze of the human will.
Heart of my highest Good, Jesus, You will give me Your flames, that they may burn me, consume me, and nourish me, to form in me the Life of the Supreme Will.
Saint Joseph, You will be my Protector, the Custodian of my heart, and will keep the keys of my will in your hands. You will keep my heart jealously, and will never give it to me again, that I may be sure never to go out of the Will of God.
Guardian Angel, guard me, defend me, help me in everything, so that my Eden may grow flourishing and be the call of the whole world into the Will of God.
Celestial Court, come to my help, and I promise You to live always in the Divine Will. Amen. ** Virgin Mother, Queen of the Divine Will Pray for us ** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOW: Roe v Wade overturned, babies rights can now be protected. Thank You Jesus !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WOW: PLEASE help Moms n Babies: Sidewalk Advocates for Life, click here !!
HOT: St Patricks exorcism prayer of protection is click here !! HOT: Ask your Angels to help you pray (before you pray) !!
WOW: Online YouTube Deliverance prayer session by Msr Stephen Rosetti of St Michael Center, click here to watch rerun !! (link updated)
During the prayer session, Msgr. Rossetti will lift curses, pray deliverance prayers over all those attending, and finish with prayers for healing. Following the prayers, there will be time for questions & answers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW/MORE: Live with Jesus in His Divine Will videos 36 books (here) given to Blessed Louisa, testimony here, website here. Frances Hogan's Divine Will Family website is here.
Intro from Fr Blount: this is the blueprint for the New Times. click here, prophecy here. will have the true peace, when they will recognize my Will, giving It dominion and allowing It to reign. Only then, they will feel my Will as good – will they feel the divine strength... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW: Approved messages from Saint Joseph click here, then scroll down to page 9. For more, click here.
POWER: Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion — inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us, that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself. Amen.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WOW: Real Presence miracles. click here ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Someone has said we do not save others by changing and converting and developing them; we redeem them by the love that accepts them and serves them as they are." Practice Non-Violence, avoid evil, gain wisdom and spread the l o v e - to change the world now. We are all refugees, migrants or descendants of them, migration is as old as history itself, dont stop it now, just enjoy the benefits through good planning. 2021: 700 year Dante anniversary: click here for Free audios of Dante's Infierno, Purgatorio, Paradiso ! NEW: Examination of Conscience for Confession, click here ! PRAY: China communists separate children from parents on MASSIVE scale, read here !
PRAY: Women brought to China for marraige forced into sex slavery, else organs harvested, read here ! and here !
HELP NEEDED: Thomas Moore Legal Aid - Secure Online Donation (Info here) Defending Our Rights ! Big promises to those who pray: Miraculous Novena to the Holy Face of Jesus Google Search biased to leftist results now, same as Hillary in 2016. Read here. BAD NEWS: VP Kamala Harris evil exposed, read this and this. BAD NEWS: Read MA Patout & Son's sugar mill disgrace here. HELP: Pray and sign protest: Justice for Kandhamal, click here, and here ! PRAY FOR VICTORY: Precious Blood Chaplet, click here ! PRAY FOR VICTORY: Rosary of the Holy Wounds, click here !
WOW: Important announcement for the future, read here see Apocolypse 14:6-7!
HELP: Remedy: Send this to all good Bishops that you know, click here !
PRAY: Tired of scandals of clergy ? click here to Pray for Priests !
HELP: Save the persecuted Christians, click here !
PRAY: Immaculee's Rosary of 7 Sorrows Prayers Guide, click here.
READ: Live aborted babies protected and their body parts too, read news here !
WOW: Video on Pope JP2 & 1st World Youth Day and 1st Youth Festival in Medjugorje, click here !
WOW: Church approved: Revealed history starting with Gods conversation b4 creation. Listen to Mystical City of God free audio book on Youtube , here ! download books here !
WOW: Read here about hell fire !
PRO-LIFE UPDATE: This is great, here are the 3 ways to close abortion clinics we have found so far: 1. Locate a pro-life pregnancy center across the street or nearby an abortion clinic, happened in Tempe, AZ. Arkansas has a law that abortion clinics found breaking laws can be shut down. Insure these laws are more widespread, write your state legislators. 3. Getting waste disposal contracts terminated for abortion clinics, eg. clinic closed for at least 2 weeks in Maryland. Write to waste providers reminding them of FBI baby body parts investigations they may be subject to. PRAY: Gracious Lord God, Be our Help, else we will get no help. Be our Good, else we will have no good !
PRAY FOR Safe RAIN: and also Miraculous prayer against destructive storms, click here !
READ: "Have more trust in God who is your Father in Heaven May your hope be the joy of a meeting with the Most High in every day life. Do not neglect prayer because prayer works miracles" - taken from 5/25/2018 Message from Medjugorje HONOR THEM: 4th of June, Tiananmen Massacre in China, Remember the million Chinese who died !
WOW: Pastor witness concerning apparitions-miracles at OLOE, click here !
WOW: Interview with God, click here !
WOW: MOM Video History: Jesus of Mercy, click here and Unbridled Mercy, click here !
WOW: See Holy Love Messages here ! Our Lady, Protectress of the Faith, Pray for us !
WOW: China bans children from church click here .
** BOYCOTT facebook, Pro-life censorship must stop, it will backfire ** HELP: Protest Target bathroom policy girls being attacked, click here ! WOW: Miraculous Video of Virgin Mother Mary, click here ! View from 7minutes mark to see Her. If the world continues to ignore the importance of prayer and moral ethics and does not restore them to their rightful place, the world will suffer a tragedy of a world war as never witnessed before in history. from here. The role of the family is quite important, and I would like all the world to know the implications if the family unit did not exist. A father and mother are needed to bring up each child with a healthy mind, heart and soul. From here PRAY: SPLC wrongly lists Christians for hate crimes, targets them for violence, click here and here MUST SEE: Links for Youth Festival Music here ! THINK: Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a part of Baptism as Bishop Sheen does say in this video "no Baptism of the Holy Spirit apart from Baptism". Its is fresh additional outpourings of the Holy Spirit as in Sacrament of Confirmation and can be very powerful when an "Annointed by the Holy Spirit" priest (one who has this gift) lays his hands on your head and asks the Holy Ghost to come down upon you. For anyone (Priest or any Christian) doing this for charismatic healing, it also works with putting hands on their sides of their shoulders too. Important thing is its very powerful sometimes, and it really works. Why wait ! WOW: Elderly prolifer beaten, Frisco cops do nothing, see video here !
WOW: Pray this prayer set for a miracle needed !
WOW: Prayer of forgiveness, click here be sorry to cast out evil and get blessings !
“The more we are deprived of human consolation, the more our souls are filled with Divine consolation, if we trust in God and abandon ourselves to Him.” (St. Louise de Marillac, 1591-1660) WOW: Start your day to achieve happiness, click here for Divine Will prayer ! WOW: Information from inside Red China, fate of religion, click here ! PROTEST: Prolife videos were extremely popular, each with millions of views on YouTube, but “YouTube changed the results after I asked,” abortion Slate writer April Glaser bragged.
Click here to sign protest ! WOW: Miracle in Bosnia War:
Maria Meszaros
,+JMJ+ VIGIL OF ASCENSION THURSDAY c.1991-2? ( 18 Pilgrimages, Deo Gratias, not sire about the
The Day the Serb Tanks came Into Town during the Evening Program.
Fr. Jozo had waved his Rosary beads 3 times hard at the people from the ambo during his morning
Homily, saying with emphasis, "ONLY THE ROSARY! ONLY THE ROSARY!!! IT HAS SAVED US BEFORE - IT
He had just announced that Serb tanks were headed toward Medjugorje. They had been to other
towns, including nearby Ctluk, with the same terrible scene playing out in each case: the men
brought out what weapons they had from their homes and stood in the streets to protect their
family and property. The tanks arrived and blew them all away. Fr. Jozo had the majority of the
villagers in the church for the morning Holy Mass for Ascension Thursday, and he was taking the
said, holding high his arm and shaking the Rosary three times. "IT HAS SAVED US BEFORE! IT WILL
That afternoon the Holy Rosary began the Evening Program. Our Lady Appeared to the Visionaries at
Her usual time, approximately during the 4th Decade of the Sorrowful Mysteries, followed by the
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; then the Glorious Mysteries.
Fr. Slavko had asked me to translate for Hungarian pilgrims who had received a Message from Our
Lady in Hungary to go to Medjugorje for Ascension Thursday. (That's another Miraculous story!)
and when i came out of the church, i noticed the crowd was unusually a-buzz.
A woman excitedly said to me, 'Did you see it? Did you see the Cross of Light in the sky,?" "No," i said. " I was in the church translating. What was it like - two streaks of cloud criss-
crossed like a cross?" " No," she said, and she used her index fingers in the air to outline a
large cross with square corners. " It was a large, perfect Cross of White Light! One person would
see it and the person next to them wouldn't..." I knew from what the Priests had said in the
past, that that was proof of something supernatural and not material, otherwise everyone would be
able to see it.
A supernatural Cross of Light in the heavens on Ascension Thursday - what a Great Sign!!
But what else had taken place....
The tanks had come in sometime before that at the outskirts of the village. Some families had to
tend their crops and had stayed home from the church. When they heard the roar of the approaching
tanks, they obeyed Fr. Jozo. The men took up their Rosary beads, went out to kneel in the street
and began to Pray the Holy Rosary.
The tanks came in and stopped, baffled. Meanwhile the women brought food out to the tanks,
saying, "It's dinnertime, boys - come and eat! Come in and use our phones to call your parents
who are worried about you, and tell them no one will hurt you in Medjugorje!"
The soldiers radioed back for Instructions - What to do? They're praying in the street...
Offering us dinner and the use of their phones...'
A few moments later the Order came; " Turn back." And the massive tanks turned around, and slowly retreated from the village.
Shortly thereafter: the Cross in the Sky. WOW: Check into the Miracle of Baby Jesus coming to us to console us ! POWER: Rediscover Baptism in the Holy Spirit, click here for Pope Benedict's teaching on this ! WOW: 3 minute sermon, click here ! About Heaven: click here !
PRAY: Click here to read expose: China forces birth control, abortion, infanticide !
WOW: Holy Spirit, Tree of Life, click here to learn from JP2 !
WOW: 40 Days for Life 1 hour report video, click here !
WOW: Bishop Paprocki speaks against mandatory vaccines at Notre Dame, here !
WOW: Vaccines death toll here, still born babies here, reactions-death here. READ: How aborted babies were used for vaccines, click here !
READ: Thinking of taking the abortion-tainted Covid Vaccines, read this. READ: Sign petition no abortion in Covid vaccines development, click here ! READ: Warning from Bishops against many Covid Vaccines, click here ! READ: List of vaccines with status of abortion connections ! read more here ! PRAY: Detailed Report: police admit torture in China, read here.
READ: (see latest newletter, here). ** Power of Bible Prayer: Jeremiah 23:29 My Word is a fire in your mouth with power ** WOW: Talk on 7 Mansions of St Theresa, click here ! Why wait !! Get Gods Help Now (click here) !! ** Feeling annointed by the Holy Spirit ? ** ** Get inner peace by trusting that God really loves you ! ** NEW: Transplant patients forced to take vaccine, then given organs from covid patients, death more likely. Vaccinated patients may also be considered for organs from Covid-positive donors, a new move in the field of transplantation. Even fully vaccinated recipients are at high risk of developing Covid-19. Transplant patients are 82 times more likely to develop breakthrough infections, and those infections are 485 times more likely to result in hospitalization or death, compared with other vaccinated people, Dr Dorry Segev, a transplant surgeon and professor of epidemiology at Johns Hopkins, told the Guardian. “If you’re a transplant patient, you very well might get very sick, and you have a 10% chance of dying from said breakthrough infection,” he said. ** Save yourselves from this corrupt generation ! click here ! ** CULT: How was the Book of Mormon translated from a dead language ? Founder J.Smith said he used an occult divining rod to translate whole book !
WHY PRAY: “The potency of prayer has subdued the strength of fire; it has bridled the rage of lions, hushed anarchy to rest, extinguished wars, appeased the elements, expelled demons, burst the chains of death, expanded the gates of heaven, assuaged diseases, repelled frauds, rescued cities from destruction, stayed the sun in its course, and arrested the progress of the thunderbolt.” (St. John Chrysostum, 344-407 AD)
WOW: Real Presence association, click here !
BEST: Legion of Mary Handbook, download here !
WORKS: With these prayers, click here to join the fight against evil !
WOW: TAN Books - gift books, hard to find titles click here ! PRAY: Story of Red Rose Rescue, click here ! PRAY: For Pope Francis to declare Frank Duff a Saint, the founder of Legion of Mary ! After receiving Jesus in Holy Communion, close your eyes, then pray and listen. GOOD FRIDAY: Why is there bad in the world ? God allows it to draw a greater good. May 30 St Joan of Arc ** May 1st St. Joseph the Worker Here is a link to a revealing talk by Fr. Seraphim from July 2019 (who brought St. Faustina's diary from communist Poland) who spoke about the Divine Mercy image and its origins, very inspiring: click here !
WOW: Podcast: Desmond Birch, classic, click here !! Then Scroll down to see video window. Podcast Archives: click here.
PRAY: Urgent Prayers for the Good Chinese, read here.
WOW: From St Joseph and Sorrowful Mother, what is coming, click here to read !!
RECENT: ...we are here to tell you that you are amongst those who are chosen, resting in the abode of my Immaculate Heart and the bosom of my Son, and there you are safe. This is the good news, because no one, no one can touch you. source click here
RECENT: As recent prophetic messages have said, the New Life is coming, and the Lord will bring
us to safe areas, which are already being set up, see Focolare for example here (worldwide) and here (USA) Also the Lord has directed Mission of Mercy to bring medical-dental-pharmacy vans to the needy, here. WOW: Get ready for Divine Intervention is here, click here ! READ: “For as long as a breath of life remains a man may have recourse to mercy and ask for pardon.
- Way of Divine Love - Sr. Josepha Menendez Book: download here
WATCH: Inspiration: Video, click here !!
READ: Healing for the church, click here ! IMMORAL: Building an aborted babies body parts industry to support vaccine production.
WATCH: Fight evil video: Levels of Spiritual Warfare - Fr Ripperger, click here !
READ: Latest newsletter click here (Foundation of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart).
WOW: Pick an hour to dedicate to Sacred Heart of Jesus Honor Guard, click here !!
READ: Jacov Colo's written talk at Youth Festival Aug 5,2021, click here !!
READ: Newsletter, click here ! TOURS: Tours to Medjugorje, contact/click: or
GOOD: Help needed for abandoned vulnerable Afghan Allies, click here !!
WOW: Pray and Read, click here: Christ In the City saving lives of the homeless !
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOT: ======= ===========
Free Legal help for prolife pregnancy centers civil rights under attack, click here ! Donate ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOOD: 9 Days Novena for Life, click here ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bloom where you are planted ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WOW: The law of the gift: You can only be happy when you give of yourself to God or another. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WOW: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prolifers: get a copy of PP manual for Escorts who harrass you, then sue you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** URGENT: Holy Communion ministers needed for the sick ** ** Please: Pray for the dying and those near death ** "The Lord brought you to it, then He will get you through it." WOW: Deliverance ! See: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WOW: Huge number of babies killed in IVF process, 93% discarded. More yearly deaths than abortions - EWTN News 12/27/2022, Katy Faust Read more here.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASS ALONG: BOYCOTT Walmart for including abortion as an employee benefit !!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WOW: Adoration blessings, click here !
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WOW: Miracles documented, click here ! Holy Communion Miracles click here !
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOT: Pro-abortion conference at Notre Dame, pray for this to be corrected, see Mar 9 prolife news here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOT: Catholic in Recovery click here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** click here to DONATE Jason Jones' Coal for Christmas for our Afghan allies left behind ** ** click here to DONATE Help premature babies in Bethlehem Holy Family Hospital in crisis ** NEW: Read enlightening short story here: The Broken Bucket. Miraculous Prayer to St. Joseph for protection at hour of death is here. Saint Joan of Arc, pray for us ! Thank You, Jesus ! Father's Day
HOT: Need help with alcohol or addictions, click here.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOT: Get awareness against sex trafficking, click here.
HOT: Pregnant and need help ? click here !
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WOW: Pray for those in reaction traps like Scientology to regain their freedom for reflection.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOT: Pray to release those from the snare of adultery. Thanks Deacon H.
HOT: Read about Sacred Heart of Jesus !
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BIG: Pray for Frank Duff (founder of Legion of Mary) to be declared a saint.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEWS: Got Jesus ? Jesus is all you need. NEWS: Rest in Peace: Bishop Macram Max Gassis of South Sudan. Please pray !
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOT-URGENT: Video on the Warning preparations for the 7 days Nuclear War, click here.
More videos click here. Remember prayer can change/delay everything ! Warning, Miracle, Chastisement with War, 3 Days Darkness, Era of Peace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WOW: Been Good ? REWARD: Revelations 3:10-12
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOT: Prepare for the New Times !! Teach how to live then by a good example with joy...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOT: If you cannot find God, guess who is lost ! See Acts 17:27-28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WOW: Dominican Breviary 1967 edition in english is here.
HOT: Devotion to Our Lord Jesus shoulder injury, click here. More here.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THINK: Jesus wept over the upcoming destruction of Jerusalem, has Jesus wept over us ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOT: news update from Fr Laurentin's right hand, click here !
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOT: Read about Incorruptible Saints bodies, click here !
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WOW: Holy Love Rosary, each Hail Mary saves one baby from abortion, click here.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOT: Pro life news click here ! (choose 3/14/2024 episode for IVF news)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOT: (go full screen, then scroll to right to read this)
Progressive governors' plans to turn their states into abortion sanctuaries aren't turning out as the abortion industry had hoped. Even with dramatically liberalized abortion laws designed to lure women from pro-life states, evidence is mounting that the push to establish these abortion utopias isn’t working. The abortion industry is floundering...even in blue states! On this week's episode of The 40 Days for Life Podcast, we take a look at the surprising progressive communities that haven't embraced abortion: | | Albuquerque, New Mexico New Mexico's abortion laws are among the most brutal in the world, rivaling human rights wastelands like China and...North Korea. The good news is that the "Land of Enchantment" is home to EIGHT 40 Days for Life campaigns this Lent--and they are saving babies! When a woman being pressured to abort pulled into the parking lot of one of the Southwest's most notorious abortion facilities, Christina greeted her--and offered her a way out. "Hey there! I love you and I am here for you!" she said. That's all it took to save a life! The abortion-bound woman approached vigil participants and received a "mommy hope bag" as well as information about the local pregnancy center. "I don't want to have the abortion," the mother told Christina. "I choose life!" | | Rockford, Illinois Rockford reported America's first saved baby of this spring's campaign, and God continues to answer the team's prayers. More than 30 pro-lifers joined the vigil on Saturday, praying, singing, and asking forgiveness for the sin of abortion. While Saturday is typically the abortion facility's busiest day, the parking lot remained empty all morning. "Even though the abortion facility was open, not one mother went in," reported campaign leader Kevin. | | They came bringing to him a paralytic carried by four men. Unable to get near Jesus because of the crowd, they opened up the roof above him. After they had broken through, they let down the mat on which the paralytic was lying. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Child, your sins are forgiven." --Mark 2:3-5 Lord, your love is always the same and somehow always new. Your love is creative. Guide my steps, prompt my conversations, and help me to know how to reach expectant mothers contemplating an abortion. Help me to believe that you can and will work miracles through my faith. | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HELP: This public sacrilege calls for public reparation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * WALK FOR LIFE WEST COAST, watch here !
* MARCH FOR LIFE, watch here ! Text MARCH to 73075 *
GOOD: Christmas in World War 3 song, click here ! Great Holy Spirit, let tears from true Americans flow, then pray and be ready ! Best song of 2024 Black Scotty records is cool, reminds me of my old schnauzer BB Tiki 2019. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOOD: What is going on, watch this video !
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOOD: Free clinics starting up, click here for info !
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOOD: More Free Holy Books, click here ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: guy <> Subject: Jesus to Ann Love is a fragile gift
August 14, 2023 Isaiah 25:4-12
Jesus: My children,
Your love is a fragile gift, it is shattered and scattered in battle, the battle that is happening in your world now. I have assured you that I will never leave you alone, no matter how intense the battle becomes. Always raise your Rosary in victory, for this gift of love will never be taken away for it has already conquered you. My Mother has left you Her greatest weapon against evil, say it each and every day. The Rosary far surpasses any gun that many possess.
Pray for the Wisdom and strength of My Cross, so that you may participate in all suffering with Me, your Christ. Let hope not be obscured, My little ones, by night, but may faith's darkness be as light. I have promised shelter and protection from all harm for all who trust in Me and carry out all that I ask of them. I will send peace of heart in any distress or worry one may have. Throw all your cares on Me and I will support you, never permitting the just to be disturbed.
The violent storms will come in order to cleanse the world from all hatred, to break all who dwell in darkness, so that peace may enter into your midst. Let me guide all into the way of peace, hope and charity.
In My Holy Word, I have stated He has shown the strength of His arm, He has scattered the proud in their conceit, He has cast down the mighty from their throne and has lifted up the lowly.
Go in peace. Your loving Jesus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ August 25, 2023 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOT: Message from your Mom:
July 25, 2022 “Dear children! I am with you to lead you on the way of conversion, because, little children, with your lives you can draw many souls closer to my Son. You be joyful witnesses of God's word and love, and with hope in the heart which conquers every evil. Forgive those who inflict evil on you, and go on the way of holiness. I am leading you to my Son, for Him to be the way, the truth and the life for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
READ: Subject: Jesus to Ann THE WARNING & Powerful prayer
May 10, 2021 (Psalm 63)
Jesus: My children, you have heard many warnings about what is to come, I tell you, the gift of your warning to this world will signal the time for the enemies of My Beloved Bride to swing into greater action. My Father's gift of enlightenment for every soul will unleash the forces of Hell against My Bride and all who attempt to come to Me. My Holy Spirit will come with Divine Love, that will be a new fire from Heaven, that will open the doors of the hearts and will illuminate all consciences. It will be a judgement in miniature in which all souls will see themselves in the burning fire of Divine Truth. They will see their own life and all they have done in My Holy Light. The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother will coincide with the great prodigy of the Second Pentecost. This new fire will purify all souls. Always, My dear ones, prepare your spirit and your soul and help prepare others as well. I ask you to prepare yourselves and others with this prayer that I have given many before your time.
My children, I drink this cup for your sake, rejoice that you are called to this great devotion. Simply offer the wounds, pains and Blood of My left hand for the downfall of all enemies and you will see them disappear like ashes. I assure you, many Kingdoms of the enemy will disappear in a short time. To all great numerous enemies, the enemy of the holy death of my Master Jesus Christ, on the Cross of Calvary, the prince of darkness and iniquity, the father of all liars, I stand on the death of my Master Jesus Christ and offer His pains, wounds, and the Precious Blood of His left hand to the Eternal Father for your downfall, your destruction and your scourging. Amen.
Precious, Precious Blood of my Master Jesus Christ reign in me and in the lives of all men. Amen. WOW: Message from Jesus to Ann in Chicago...
Subject: Jesus to Ann Complete Purification
September 26, 2022
Romans 16:17
Jesus: My children,
Even though My Bride is going through a cleansing, there is no substitute for its role in your spiritual life.
One's relationship with My Bride is inseparable from your ability to respond to My Mother's request. My Holy Word and the sacraments are the food that one must eat to have life, and My Bride is where you find the spiritual nourishment that I have given you. That messages, the signs, even all the injustices that you have experienced and continue to experience are all given to bring you closer to Me.
My beloved priests and Bishops have the responsibility to meet all your spiritual needs, for they are the anointed shepherds to lead the flock. My Mother's main objective is the marriage of faith and trust between the flock and its shepherds. My Bride must be strong and whole. My Mother is always looking after Her children and reminding Her beloved sons to have nothing else on their minds but your spiritual survival. Let not the world politics or My Bride's politics come between the nurturing of souls, nothing else is of equal importance.
I ask you, My little ones, to stay focused and pray for your shepherds, for My Bride is in the greatest battle between good and evil that the world has ever known.
You must remember the value of My holy sacrifice and the power of prayer, that can save lives. During these critical crucial times, I, your God, am calling each of you to My imitation. One must live what My Bride teaches and boldly stand behind the Holy Father, My chosen VICAR.
During the smoke of Satan, you must pray especially for the intentions of My Vicar and all bishops and Cardinals that are obedient to My Holy Will. The world is in the time of complete purification that will split the sinful from the good. Pray, hope and do not worry.
Your loving Jesus of Mercy.
Links: ------ [1] NOTE: Message 9/13/2021
From: guy, see: Date: Mon., 13 Sep. 2021, 2:22 pm September 13, 2021 Jesus: My children I will prepare a great journey to refuge you. I will bless you along the way with My Father and Spirit and bestow on you My grace and blessings with the gentle embrace of My Heavenly Mother. I come to extend My protection and defend you against the onslaughts of the great adversary, for with Me you can bear all things. I will send legions of angels to watch over you, so be prepared, the time is coming soon. Continue the many prayers, receiving My Body and Blood each and every day to be strengthened against all evil. Pray for all those around you, especially family members who have lost their way. Within the next few years, the true faith will disappear before your eyes, and you will practice your faith behind closed doors. Have courage and not fear, as I have told you. I tell you, never give up hope, for one day you will be united again to the true faith of the fathers, not in hiding, but in the open, with great fervor and love. Allow yourselves to be purified, you must stay in the state of grace. Receive the sacrament of reconciliation often, never doubting it's cleansing power to keep you on the right track. It is an act of love. Bear this time, for the reward is far greater than the trial. Lift up My beloved sons, your priests, and all church leaders, especially My beloved VICAR, he is under such persecution, even from My faithful children. Judge not, or you shall be judged, this is My holy word to all. Love one another and be kind and merciful to one another. For all who refuse to be humble and little before Me, will find their arrogance will be their damnation. Let peace and joy reign in your heart. I am with you always, trust! Your loving Jesus of Mercy. St Anthony, help us find our way, shine your light on me Jesus
"You do not yet have the vision of tomorrow, for the new tomorrow is great! What vision you should have is one that is holy, peaceful, and filled with Love. If you desire to have that vision, then you must rise to the occasion and be true champions and heroes of God's Love. You must wear the banner of His Light and speak the words of His Truth. You cannot be afraid to face those who would desire to blaspheme God. You cannot be afraid to speak for the Truth with which God has blessed you, especially here where He has allowed me to come. You cannot be afraid of change. You must wear the Truth, believe it with all your heart, and trust...." (OLOE Private 05-30-05) HOT: IMPORTANT Message from Jesus: From: guy [1] <> Subject: Thank Jesus and Trust Him
January 23, 2023 Psalm 62
My children, I ask you to pray for the fulfillment of all the plans that are taking place, to offer all your sacrifices to Me in order that everything is fulfilled the way I have planned it, and that the evil one can accomplish nothing.
Give Me the pressures of your day, your anxieties, your worries, your fears, your dealings with all those who do not understand what is happening. Thank Me and praise Me for all these sufferings you endure, begging Me to use you as I see fit for your sanctification. Accept everything, for a great good will come out of all this evil. I tell you, My faithful servants, to decide for peace, live peace in your heart and you will understand that peace is My gift to you. Remember the fruit of peace is love and the fruit of love is forgiveness. You must forgive your family members and then you will be able to forgive others.
There are many around you who are not listening to My calling, but our permitting Satan to seduce them. He is very strong. This is why I ask that you dedicate your prayers to Me, so that those under his influence can be saved.
I desire not one soul to be lost to the evil one. Remember these words (Psalm 50). If I were hungry, I would not mention it to you, for the world is mine and everything in it. No, I don't need your sacrifice of flesh and blood, what I want from you is your true thanks.
I want your promise fulfilled, I want you to trust Me in your times of trouble, so I can rescue you, and you can give Me glory.
Spend every moment possible, listening and hearing My every Word. I have much to say to those who truly want to hear.
Go in peace. Your loving Jesus
Links: ------ [1]
NOTE: Prayers can change these... April 10, 2023 Wisdom Chapter 1:1-16
Jesus: My children, offer to Me your will, your life and your eternity. My love is like a raging fire that consumes. The chastisement of your world has begun and will continue. The world will be cleansed, woe to the man who chooses to ignore My words, for My coming will be faster than light.
There will come a point when people will be living on bread and water or practically starving. But through this suffering, many will turn back to Me. My wounds bleed profusely for lost souls to come out of darkness into the Light.
My children are asked to pray for the souls of priests, for they are overwhelmed with Satan's attacks, he wants to destroy them. Prayer enlightens them in the truth and protects them for their responsibilities. Ask Me, My sons and daughters, to give them the graces they need. They have many temptations and much loneliness. I tell you, be for them the strength and love that I your God desire, to bring them closer to Me. Never judge them. The present spiritual warfare has blinded them and so by your prayers they will be able to see clearly the Light.
You have been told that My Bride will be shaken to its very foundation. Sin and evil have entered in different forms, in every part of the world. Remember, My faithful servants, make atonement for the unfaithfulness of all My beloved priests, so that they may gain the grace to raise themselves again and attain fruitfulness in their apostolate. I tell you, if this is not understood by the servants of My Holy Bride and My ministers, then nothing can save this world.
Pray, your loving Jesus of Mercy. From: guy <> Date: Mon., 10 Apr. 2023, 12:27 pm COMMENT: It also doesn't hurt to have extra supplies around, food, etc. Since Covid even our government has said keep extra 3 days worth. I recommend more. Extra to help feed the destitute ? Its very good that us good folks will not run out of food I have heard by God refilling our food containers, especially when we share.
HOT: March 13, 2023 Psalms 20 Jesus:
My children, I ask that you pray before Me in the Blessed Sacrament, with the fervor of an Angel. All the legions of celestial spirits are with Me in adoration near the altar and the Tabernacle.
Some of My beloved Saints have been shown during this time of adoration, the mysterious symbols of a ladder of gold which unites Heaven and earth, supported by the Tabernacle and of the lily of purity shooting forth its roots and drawing its nourishment from the flower of the wheat of the elect and the wine which alone can bring forth virgins.
I tell you, My little ones, the only way to be calm and have peace is by Me, your God, present in the holy Eucharist. The loss of faith in these days, is in great danger. The overriding priority is to make Me present in this world and to show men and women the way to Me. Not just any god, but the God who spoke on Sinai, to Me, whose face you recognize in a love which presses to the end.
Your real problem in this moment of your history is that I am disappearing from the human horizon, and with the dimming of the light that comes from Me, humanity is losing it's bearing with increasingly evident destructive effects.
Let Me open up before all souls the unique perfectly tailored path, that can lead all to holiness and your simple efforts to respond to all of life's irritations with patience and acceptance undertaking this journey through life one step at a time. Be strong in faith and in union with Me, for I have work for all to be done. Feel within yourself a sense of your strength in Me and a love for Me that draws you closer and closer.
Go in peace. Your loving Jesus
From: Date: Mon., 13 Mar. 2023, 7:58 pm Subject: Jesus to Ann Pray before Me in the Blessed Sacrament with fervor HOT: Message from Jesus !
From: guy <> Date: Mon., 12 Jun. 2023, 5:05 pm Subject: Jesus to Ann Stay close to Jesus
Jesus: My children,
I tell you, stay close to Me, re-charge yourselves with the strength to overcome your lukewarmness and those defects that you could never overcome by yourselves. My people have become lazy, and they are not able to finish the things that they start. Think about this, My little ones, you are not close enough to Me, you do not seem to have the ability to persevere. It is time for each of you to recognize that you are being urged on by your God, Who gave you life. You are in a time of change and hope, all around you seems to be caving in. You need to stop avoiding sacrifices and cling to Me.
Ask for Mercy in forgiveness, Mercy in gentleness, and Mercy in kindness as I have taught you over the years. Make a lasting impression on the world. Obtain graces for people in all conditions of life, graces that may make a difference between their eternal salvation and their eternal loss. I will grant you the privilege of helping souls gain heaven. This work is of great importance. My people are dying in great numbers, for they have refused My graces and turned their back on Me. They listened to the evil one, who lies and calls them to total destruction of body and mind.
Those that remain faithful to My Holy Word will be able to fight temptation and weaknesses throughout their journey in life, for you have made a clear choice to follow Me to the very end. Remain close to My Sacred Heart, choose Me and you will live forever.
Your loving Jesus.
June 2, 2016 "Dear children, as the Mother of the Church, as your mother, I am smiling as I look at you: how you are coming to me, how you are gathering around me, how you are seeking me. My comings among you are proof of how much Heaven loves you. They indicate to you the way to eternal life, to salvation. My apostles, you who strive to have a pure heart and to have my Son in it, you are on the good way. You who are seeking my Son are seeking the good way. He left many signs of His love. He left hope. It is easy to find Him if you are ready for sacrifice and penance - if you have patience, mercy and love for your neighbors. Many of my children do not see and do not hear because they do not want to. They do not accept my words and my works, yet through me, my Son calls everyone. His Spirit illuminates all of my children in the light of the Heavenly Father, in the unity of Heaven and Earth, in mutual love - because love invokes love and makes works more important than words. Therefore, my apostles, pray for your Church, love it and do works of love. No matter how betrayed or wounded, it is here because it comes from the Heavenly Father. Pray for your shepherds so that in them you may see the greatness of the love of my Son. Thank you." HOT:
Begin forwarded message: From: guy <> Date: Apr 22, 2024 at 6:41 PM Subject: Jesus to Ann Helping the wounded souls April 22, 2024 Luke 12:41-59, 13:1-4
Jesus: My children,
I hear My faithful souls call out to Me day in and day out, Lord how can I help those in my family and many that I meet that are lost. They live in total darkness. I say to you, these souls who are lost and live in total darkness have been wounded and cannot get over the pain and agony of this wound. They carry it with them throughout life and as time moves forward bitterness and hatred takes over their whole being. They are unable to let light shine on their wall of darkness that they themselves have created. They are totally alone and have shut the doors to their heart, not letting anyone in to help them relieve their pain.
I knock each and every moment of the day and night, asking to enter, but to no avail, for their heart has become like stone. They have given up all hope and so they remain trapped with no way out. Happiness and joy have never been part of their life. They linger in a cloud of abandonment, always feeling sorry for themselves. I tell you, rejection pounds away at their heart and causes them to plunge into a deep depression. They become irritated at the least little thing and that causes much pain to those that try to help them and love them. Love, My little ones, is something that they cannot grasp, only hatred and self-pity. I see the torture they put themselves through day in and day out. Pray for them each and every day. I desire that you, faithful servants, help to relieve this pain, this cloud of darkness which has overcome these souls, and to offer your trials and sufferings for them. In these days, all of you are feeling your cross getting heavier to carry. Carry it for all these souls, especially your family members that need your help and support. I will never give up on them, I wait for only a whisper of My Name upon their lips, a cry for help, so that I may enter and heal them of this brokenness. Pray and continue to bring all souls to My loving Heart. Go in peace. Your loving Jesus.
HOT: Message from Jesus: ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: guy <> Date: Mon, Mar 25, 2024, 1:42PM Subject: Jesus to Ann Many prayers are being answered To: guy <>
March 25, 2024 (Jerimiah 16:8-21)
Jesus: My children,
Many of your prayers are being answered, but you must continue to place all your trust in Me. My way is not your way, as you have come to believe. The more Masses, adoration and confessions, the more you will begin to see the conversion of others.
Constantly offer Masses for someone in great need. It will strengthen them to be able to accept My graces, that will lead to conversion of heart. You and all others need to unite and fill this world with a peace that they have never known.
To the proud and wicked men, those whose life looks so wonderful here on earth, will soon see that all will be taken from them and they will find themselves in a state of shock, totally devastated. It is then, when they are emptied of self, I will be able to fill them. They will admit their nothingness and come to Me with open arms for the first time. I will guide their heart and give them all the tenderness they need. I am patient and love them so very much. I desire not to lose even one soul to the evil one.
I desire to lift every soul as if they were on the top of the highest mountain in the world, floating with Me on a cloud, coming to a place that I have prepared for them. This should be the desire of everyone on this earth, to be in Paradise with their Creator.
Pray, My little ones, My faithful servants, that every soul may escape from the evil ones hold on them, so that they may begin to be with Me forever.
Your loving Jesus.
HOT: 3/18/2024 Message from OLOM
Dear children, by the merciful love of God, I am with you. That is why, as a mother, I am calling you to believe in love. - the love that is union with my Son. With love you help others to open their hearts to come to know my Son and to come to love Him. My children, love makes it for my Son to illuminate your hearts with His grace, to grow in you and to give you peace. My children, if you live love, if you live my Son, you will have peace and you will be happy. In love is victory. Thank you.
GOOD: February 25, 2024 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje GOOD: ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: guy <> Date: Mon., 22 Jan. 2024, 5:18 pm Subject: Jesus to Ann rescue from chaos
Jan 22 2024 (Sirach 17:21-31)
Jesus: My children, I come to comfort you who are in the darkness of poverty, the darkness of persecution. I your God, am the light that no darkness can extinguish. I tell you, have hope and trust in Me, and wait with endurance, for I will rescue you from all the chaos that has taken over.
You must see that I am your God, that I am in everything. That I do everything and never stop working for all mankind. See that I lead everything on to the conclusion that I ordained for it before time began, by the same power, wisdom, and love with which I made it.
My Heart aches for the world, knowing the evil one prowls, waiting to catch souls. But I tell you, he is a lion on a leash and can only go so far.
I tenderly and tirelessly work for the best good of the whole world, because My flame of love for all can never, ever be quenched. I give you My mercies without end from above, I never stop giving to all who call upon Me. I pity those who keep company with all evil forces and continue on their way to total destruction.
Pray, children of the light that these souls, especially all of your family members, return to Me before it is too late, and their lives are taken. Be guided by My hand and may evil never rule you. Pray, pray, pray as My dear Mother continuously asks all of Her children. Place yourself under Her mantle each and every day. She loves all of Her children and desires to lead them to My loving arms.
Go in peace. Your loving Jesus.
GOOD: Message from Jesus of Mercy
From: guy <> Date: Mon., 25 Dec. 2023, 8:09 pm Subject: Jesus to Ann Stay close to Jesus To: guy <>
Dec 25 2023 Meditate on the readings of My Holy Word for this day of My birth. (Matthew 1:1-25), (Luke 2:1-14), (Luke 2:15-20), (John 1:1-14)
Jesus: My children, on this day of My birth, I ask that all of My followers listen to everything I tell you. Stay close to Me and you will be guided. You will hear everything I desire to say to you. Because of the wickedness and sin, you must pray constantly and fast if it is possible for you.
The time is at hand to be prepared to surrender all that has come into your life for the Triumph of My Mother's Immaculate Heart. You cannot have peace without surrendering. The world is coming closer and closer to My Second Coming, and for this reason the world needs the extraordinary grace of My Love to withstand the battle of the evil one.
You must always remember that I, your Jesus of Mercy, will lead you, for I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Remember this quote from My beloved St. Thomas Moore. Men desire authority for its own sake that they may bear a rule to command-and-control other men, and live un-commanded and uncontrolled themselves.
You, My little ones, are living in times of unjust wars and immoral acts, all the corruption in high places. Denounce this corruption and follow in My footsteps, for I too pointed the finger at all moral corruption in the leadership of My day.
Use all power of prayer to call out to Me, to carry out My Divine Will, to have Mercy on this world and My Bride.
Go in peace, your loving Jesus.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOOD: Message to Jakov, from Our Virgin Mother of Medjugorje 12/25/2023
“Dear children, today with my Son in my arms, I desire to call all of you to pray to the little Jesus for the healing of your heart.
Children, often in your hearts sin rules which destroys your life and you can not feel God's presence.
That is why, on this day of grace, when grace is spreading throughout the whole world, surrender your life and your heart to the Lord, so that the Lord may heal them with His grace.
Only with pure hearts will you be able to experience the birth of Jesus anew in you, and the light of His birth will illuminate your life.
I bless you with my motherly blessing.
Thank you for having responded to my call.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOD: Free Tucson Folk Festival 3 days starts 3/31/2023, live stream info here. Past Festivals here.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOT: You can serve your passion or you can serve your weakness, but not both.
- director Alejandro Gómez Monteverde ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEE: World Youth Days 6 days 8/01/2023 - 8/06/2023 EWTN coverage here and here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** click here to DONATE to stop chemical abortions ** ** click here to DONATE or work to help sex trafficking survivors ** ** click here to DONATE Help African Via Christi Good Works ** ** click here to DONATE for Mission of Mercy MOM medical vans support in 3 states:
The Lord has directed Mission of Mercy to bring medical-dental-pharmacy vans to the needy. Meditation... click here: Where does God fit into this for you ? **
** Listen to: God has chosen me * Psalm 8 * Shine your light * Day by Day **
** RIP Fr. Seraphim Michalenko more special ** Are we related ? Check here on Wikitree ! Bring your gifts in Thanksgiving and Love.
St. Junipero Serra (read the truth) National Catholic Breakfast (recorded) (Perpetual Adoration is here) Invoking the Sweet Name of Mary watch here.
“You are called to found ... perpetual adoration in your native town.” ** WOW: Our Lord's Blood is still in Shroud of Turin, watch video click here ! **
" The one who prays is not afraid of the future" OLOM 6/25/2000 "
Medjugorje is a "Mountain of grace". Give up anger to be free !
** Draw close to God and He will draw close to you... Hawaii music here ** WOW: Watch brief Medjugorje walking/bike tours and testimonies click here !!
WOW: Spiritual Direction, click here. Free newsletter too.
WOW: Mental Prayer - How to, click here !!
** RIP Mother Elvira, click here ** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2024 Election NEWS CONGRATS President Trump !! NEW: Democrat Tim Walz media bias during VP debate: read here.
NEW: Tim Walz lies about his drunk driving conviction, read here. More lies here. NEW: Democrat Gov. Whitmer mocks Catholics Holy Communion, watch here.
BAD NEWS: VP Kamala Harris evil exposed, read this and this. Evil is evil, time for lesser of evils ?
NEW: Kamala Harris anti-Catholic, went after Knights of Columbus, watch here ! NEW: Why Vote for Trump here (lesser of evils).
NEW: Vote NO on Prop 139 unregulated abortion in Arizona, see video here !
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONSECRATION OF THE ELECTION TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Mary Immaculate, living tabernacle of the Divinity, where the eternal Wisdom lies hidden to be adored and served by angels and men, Queen of heaven and of earth, beneath whose sway are subject all things that are lower than God, Patroness of the United States of America, sorrowful and mindful of our own sinfulness and the sins of our nation, we come to thee, our refuge and hope. Knowing that our country cannot be saved by our own works and mindful of how much our nation has departed from the ways of thy Son, we humbly ask that thou wouldst turn thine eyes upon our country to bring about its conversion. We consecrate to thee the integrity of the upcoming election and its outcome, so that what is spiritually and morally best for the citizens of our country may be accomplished, and that all of those who are elected would govern according to the spiritual and moral principles which will bring our nation into conformity with the teachings of thy Son. Give grace to the citizens of this land so that they will choose leaders according to the Sacred Heart of thy Son, that His glory may be made manifest, lest we be given the leaders we deserve. Trusting in the providential care of God the Father and thy maternal care, we have perfect confidence that thou wilst take care of us and will not leave us forsaken. O Mary Immaculate, pray for us. Amen
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jesus help us: Kamala Harris as AG allowed this, she did not uphold the law: Live babies illegally harvested for selling their body parts, pray this stops.
Jesus help us: Huge number of babies killed/frozen in IVF process, 93% discarded. More deaths here than abortions. IVF Killing... "A person is a person, no matter how small" - Dr Seuss quotes here. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memorare Miraculous Prayer info Here ! They want you to remind them !
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUST TRY: Forgive them even if they are not sorry. Be love.
Email: dcollier8 "Love converts hearts, and gives peace." - last words of Pope JP2, click here
see 1 John 5:18 on God's Protection: We know that no one who is born of God commits sin; but the Begotten of God preserves him and the evil one does not touch him. ** Guys, here's how to be ready to approach the Good God when you die. DON'T RUN ! ! ! Be ready to tell him you are sorry, and ashamed. Thank Him for your life and all He has done for you. You will find entry to Paradise itself. -dc Tubal Ligations can be reversed... our vacation included the Chicago beaches at Lincoln Park June 5, 2009 below: